@KTzone » 資源 - 綜藝節目 » 資源 - 日韓綜藝節目資源超連 » SMAPxSMAP 07-14-1997 來賓-松隆子

2008-8-24 17:10 tooth671
SMAP x SMAP episode from July 14, 1997 (or possibly April 07, 1997)

Bistro Guest: Matsu Takako

Additional Guest: Adachi Yumi (“Glass Mask”) in “Namida no SMAP” (Crying Contest)

Skit: Old West Gunman (WHAT did Kimura say???)

Music: “Dynamite” by SMAP

Other: NG (“No Good”) Scenes; Kimura Skydives

Part I
Size: 420 MB DAT file
Video: 352 x 240
Length: 41:34 min.

Part II
Size: 294 MB
Video: 352 x 240
Length: 29:10 min.

As most people know, the quality of video files from 10 years ago wasn’t as good as today’s. Still, I think you’ll enjoy this show.

2008-8-25 06:36 kuwbce
thanks a lot!!

2008-9-25 12:54 雙子座
Thankz for sharin' .... :44:

and very good job!! :50:

2008-10-3 10:09 DarkRichC
thanks for sharing

2008-10-3 15:44 天外有天

2008-11-22 14:00 29631111

2008-11-22 14:26 js0427
THANK A LOT .......................

2008-11-27 17:13 mileshbk29

2009-1-29 14:27 tommyhsu

2009-2-1 03:44 alexic

2009-4-18 18:24 cynosure0517
thank for your sharing

2009-4-25 18:51 lamama

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