@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員聊天 » shaft went hissing

2017-6-23 23:28 peisingk
shaft went hissing

The last of the three was a youth as skinny as his longbow, if not quite as tall. Red-haired and freckled, he wore a studded brigantine, high boots, fingerless leather gloves, and a quiver on his back. His arrows were fletched with grey goose feathers, and six of them stood in the ground before him, like a little fence.  The three men looked at her, standing there in the road with her blade in hand. Then the singer idly plucked a string. “Boy,” he said, “put up that sword now, unless you’re wanting to be hurt. It’s too big for you, lad, and besides, Anguy here could put three shafts through you before you could hope to reach us.”  “He could not,” Arya said, “and I’m a girl.”  “So you are.” The singer bowed. “My pardons.”  “You go on down the road [url=http://bushfruiktzhk.comcolog-nifty.com/blog/2017/06/post-7f3a.html][color=#333333]with her, [/color][/url][url=http://happyworld.da-te.jp/e982272.html][color=#333333]he would [/color][/url][url=http://blog.dwnews.com/post-958326.html][color=#333333]sanction [/color][/url]
[url=http://blogs.elle.com.hk/lindayanny/2017/06/23/yuirtrew/][color=#333333]everything[/color][/url][url=http://wow.esdlife.com/space.php?uid=30964&do=blog&id=351464][color=#333333] at once[/color][/url][url=http://blog.goo.ne.jp/enexcsi/e/9adb450ba691146b799bef3c2181cff7][color=#333333]he answered.[/color][/url]. just walk right past here, and you keep on singing, so we’ll know where you are. Go away and leave us be and I won’t kill you.”  The freckle-faced archer laughed. “Lem, she won’t kill us, did you hear?”  “I heard,” said Lem, the big soldier with the deep voice.  “Child,” said the singer, “put up that sword, and we’ll take you to a safe place and get some food in that belly. There are wolves in these parts, and lions, and worse things. No place for a little girl to be wandering alone.”  “She’s not alone.” Gendry rode out from behind the cottage wall, and behind him Hot Pie, leading her horse. In his chainmail shirt with a sword in his hand, Gendry looked almost a man grown, and dangerous. Hot Pie looked like Hot Pie. “Do like she says, and leave us be,” warned Gendry.  “Two and three,” the singer counted, “and is that all of you? And horses too, lovely horses. Where did you steal them?”  “They’re ours.” Arya watched them carefully. The singer kept distracting her with his talk, but it was the archer who was the danger. If he should pull an arrow from the ground...  “Will you give us your names like honest men?” the singer asked the boys.  “I’m Hot Pie,” Hot Pie said at once.  “Aye, and good for you.” The man smiled. “It’s not every day I meet a lad with such a tasty name. And what would your friends be called, Mutton Chop and Squab?”  Gendry scowled down from his saddle.

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