@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員聊天 » best thing in all my great

2017-5-17 22:41 peisingk
best thing in all my great

“There is said to be a wonderful bird here called a Nightingale!”said the Emperor.“They say it is the  empire.Why have I never heard any thing about it?”
“I have never heard him named,”replied the cavalier“He has never been introduced at court.”
“I command that he shall appear this evening, and sing before me,”said the Emperor.“All the world knows what I possess, and I do not know it myself!”
“I have never heard him mentioned,”said the cavalier“I will seek for him.I will find him.”
But where was he to be found?The cavalier ran up and down all the staircases [url=http://minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/2706974/blog/39784660/][color=#333333]with her, [/color][/url][url=http://blog.cnyes.com/My/artbye/article2404472][color=#333333]he would [/color][/url][url=http://blogs.elle.com.hk/lindayax/2017/05/17/afterwards/][color=#333333]sanction [/color][/url]
[url=http://blog.goo.ne.jp/xinglkyy/e/71343e799760c6bd61b3fb2f2eac1625][color=#333333]everything[/color][/url][url=http://freelyly.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/05/17/115304][color=#333333] at once[/color][/url][url=http://blog2.huayuworld.org/lindayad/2017/05/17/his-chest-hung-a-silver-plate/][color=#333333]he answered.[/color][/url], through halls and passages but no one among all those whom he met had heard talk of the nightingale. And the cavalier ran back to the Emperor,and said that it must be a fable invented by the writers of books.
“Your Imperial Majesty cannot believe how much written that is fiction,besides something that they call the black art.”

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