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2009-12-7 01:35 鋼之鍊金術師FA
經典-SimCopter [模擬直升機]-Release:Oct 31,1996-DJBCAST

經典SimCopter [模擬直升機]-Release:Oct 31, 1996



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  這是一款由連邦軟件代理銷售、發行的模擬類遊戲。被《Parade Magazine》評為世界10大最熱門遊戲,是模擬類遊戲中的精品。在遊戲中,玩家可扮演一位以直升機為生的自由職業者,駕駛著直升機飛翔在城市上空,挽救人民的生命財產,維護法律的尊嚴,同時也得到一定報酬。《模擬直升機》是在Win 95下運行的遊戲。畫面是3D的,分辨率可以支持到640×480×256色,在操作上支持鼠標和搖桿。遊戲中音效逼真,可以逼真地聽到直升機螺旋漿聲、汽車喇叭聲、警車的尖叫聲、麥克風喊話聲、騷亂中的爆炸聲、罪犯的槍聲等等,讓人有身臨其境的感覺。遊戲中的音樂可通過機載電台點播一些古典音樂:如貝多芬月光奏鳴曲第三樂章、貝多芬Pathertique奏鳴曲第三樂章、貝多芬Appassionata奏鳴曲第三樂章、貝多芬Waldstein奏鳴曲第一樂章、威瓦爾第的四季選曲、瓦格納的「Ride of the Vakyrie」等。





[list][*][url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/simcopter/images/0/1/][img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/1/198651/simcop_thumb001.jpg[/img][/url][*]                            [url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/simcopter/images/0/2/][img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/1/198651/simcop_thumb002.jpg[/img][/url][*]                            [url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/simcopter/images/0/3/][img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/1/198651/simcop_thumb003.jpg[/img][/url][*]                            [url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/simcopter/images/0/4/][img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/1/198651/simcop_thumb004.jpg[/img][/url][*]                            [url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/simcopter/images/0/5/][img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/1/198651/simcop_thumb005.jpg[/img][/url][/list][code]On the whole, SimCopter offers a solid action experience combined with added value for SimCity 2000 owners and virtually endless gameplay.

CALLING ALL SIMCITY 2000 FREAKS!!!Getting a little tired of building city after city? Have you accomplished your life's goal of creating a SimCity replica of Des Moines, Iowa, only to find that you have no greater purpose to aspire to? Now it's time to actually go inside your city and control it not as an all-powerful comptroller, but as an ordinary Sim citizen- - an ordinary Sim citizen with a helicopter, that is.

After Will Wright, the creator of SimCity, finished his second masterpiece, SimCity 2000, he set to work on a new challenge for his disciples. He wanted the thousands of people who had created vast metropolises in SimCity 2000 to be able to explore them in 3-D. A simple first-person walking tour interface would not suffice, though; the new game had to take advantage of the random event generator in the SimCity world that controlled crime, fires, riots and such. What better vehicle to cope with all these contingencies than a helicopter? It can carry police to a crime scene, dump water on fires, launch tear gas into rioting crowds.... Anything the Sims need, their chopper-armed guardian can provide.

As you start a career game using the 30 included cities or a user game using yours, you will find yourself on the tarmac standing next to a little Schweitzer 300 helicopter. As you climb aboard, the radio inside turns on and starts blaring music and commercials. Hit the right key and the rotor begins to turn, taking you into the air to await your first call. You won't have to wait long before "Dispatch" crackles over the radio and relays your mission. If it's a traffic jam, you have to fly over and use your megaphone to tell the cars to move along. Medevacs require you to retrieve injured Sims and transport them to the hospital. For rescues, you'll need to have equipped your copter with a rescue harness to snatch trapped Sims from their precarious settings. Dousing fires with water takes quite a bit of dexterity and numerous trips to a nearby lake to refill. Riots can sometimes be handled with stern announcements over the megaphone and maybe a little spritz with the water cannon, but occasionally they reach Rodney King proportions and the tear gas has to be broken out. The list goes on, and the variable difficulty of each type of mission, combined with the differing characteristics of the nine copters, will keep almost anyone engrossed for hours at a time.

The graphics, although fluid and colorful, could have been visualized a bit better. The buildings and terrain are adequate, but the people and vehicles look as if they were designed by a junior high school art class. Even so, this is the only substandard element in what is otherwise a terrific package. The sound is especially well executed. The tunes on the radio (which you can customize) blend seamlessly with the realistic chopper sounds and the environmental noises to create a rich soundscape. Plenty of tongue-in-cheek Maxis humor awaits fans as well, with secret laughs that appear everywhere from the comical user's manual, to the congratulatory marching band that awaits you back at your hangar, to the sound a passenger makes when you drop him out at 4,000 feet. Even the cheat codes are funny. Type in "I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas" and see what happens!

Perhaps the finest feature of SimCopter is its added value to the SimCity 2000 user. The translation of the cities is impressively accurate. Each building, vehicle, street, bridge, and lake is exactly where it would be in SimCity 2000, only in rendered-on-the-fly, texture-mapped 3-D. If a SimCity with a high crime rate is loaded into SimCopter, you can be sure to get more than your share of robbery and mugging calls. Playing with a poverty-stricken city? Look out for riots.

On the whole, SimCopter offers a solid action experience combined with added value for SimCity 2000 owners and virtually endless gameplay. It's all the fun of watching a SimCity grow plus the feeling that you have a real hand in the process. Beyond that, it's a full-blown helicopter sim that would be extremely playable even if it didn't translate SimCities into 3-D. This one's a keeper.            [/code]

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