@KTzone » 日常 - 旅遊資訊 » e-Leisure.de Luxury Property News

2009-9-22 13:12 dkyfm
e-Leisure.de Luxury Property News

e-Leisure.de  Luxury Property News
The Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  At
321 metres height, it is the second tallest building in the world used
exclusively as a hotel.  However, the structure of the Ryugyong Hotel in
Pyongyang North Korea is 9 m taller than Burj Al Arab, and the Rose Tower,
also in Dubai, topped Burj Al Arab's height at 333 m, becoming the world's
tallest hotel.
The Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m out from Jumeirah beach,
and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge.  It is an iconic
structure, designed to symbolize Dubai's urban transformation and to mimic the
sail of a boat.

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